Monday, 31 August 2009


I never want to draw another scrunched up tissue again! lol. Here is my final image on the theme Swine Flu (Sorry its technically a little late as its now past midnight...)

I'm thinking You'll need to click on it to see it at a more understandable size...

Great ideas from everyone - its nice to see how different people approach the same subject in such diverse ways!

See you all again for September's challenge I hope :)


Swine flu was a disappointment

Me and Wil were all ready for the zombie apocalypse, but with that genetic pattern it's not even going to mutate. Ah well the idiots panicing was funny. Maybe next time i'l have my dystopia.

Sorry this is quickly thrown together, still trying to get some gouche off the ground for illos rather than go straight PS.

Friday, 7 August 2009

Swine Flew!!!!

Here u go! The dreaded Swine flew! Now u know that pigs can fly :D

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Lets see if I can get the hang of this.....

Piggy of mine has the flu, but it doesn't really care,



Tuesday, 4 August 2009

My character so far...

I have plans for her.... watch this space ;)


Sunday, 2 August 2009

Swine Flew! WIP #1

Aha! Ben here (or Bendragon if u'd like). Here is my first step. Drawn loosely in good ole Photoshop then blocked in some paints for base. Now going into a first coat of paint working from dark to light. So the next coat will be even lighter colours, leaving gaps between the paint to keep the dark partches exposed as shadow. Stole the technique of a Bobby Chiu :D Lets see how it turns out.

Saturday, 1 August 2009

August Topic:

So just to start us off and because I still have the Lurgy our first topic is:

Swine Flu

Your experience of the flu so far or a post pandemic wasteland maybe - comedy, tragedy, whatever takes your fancy :) Post your work in progress during the month for feedback or just pop your final image up before the 1st of September.


It begins...

Hi Everyone,

The idea of this blog is just to create a fun monthly activity where we all do something to illustrate the chosen monthly theme, no competition or prizes, just a good opportunity to share your work and give and gain feedback from fellow artists.

Hope you will join in and enjoy it too :)