Monday, 28 September 2009


So me and Ben went for the same thing, but they both turned out totally different!


  1. Turned out really nice Fran :) The colours are really good and I like the sky texture, buildings and general composition loads! I'd be interested to see how it looked with a bit more movement or twist in the dragon but I think it works great just as it is. Nice Work.


  2. I like the way you have coloured in the image to look like traditional oriental art, it's a great visual communication technique to handle an illustration as per the illustration's theme, and a good way of demonstrating your versatility as a creative.

  3. Really dig the traditional chinese feel-I was wondering whether some more value range would have been nice, but I think it works like this...might have been nice to see more of a hectic crowd-but I guess that would have meant a lot more doodling ;)

  4. Turned out very nice methinks! Cool stuff!
