Wednesday, 30 September 2009


Ran out of time to finish this - great entries everyone :)



  1. Very sweet illo, and a very good way of illustrating a specific word/theme and incorporating a single panel narrative. Looks like she had a lot of fun in that costume, I wonder why she's binning it? Is it ripped, too smelly, or is it just that carnival season is over and she'll not be needing her costume until next year?

  2. This could relate to the previous topic. After wearing things she picked up from the garbage she getsss..... swine flu! Or frog flu! Loving the monstrous image of the frog in the background hehe.

  3. Good green with it's freindly compliment in there....I think you could have gotten away with an even more saturated orange. Next time, when you use a green like that that's more on the blue end of the scale, try adding a yellowy green in the lighter areas-more in the direction of the white in the photoshop pickerer, this is how colour shifts in the real world and will add a nice shift in hue.

  4. cheer up mazlan! hehe, it's very nice, i would like to echo the lovely colour scheme you started with and hope you get more time on this next month ;) x

  5. Thanks for the ace comments and advice everyone :)

    I guess I'm feeling a bit scratchy that life is getting in the way of art recently.

    Is it the eternal curse of the doodler that you will always wish you could hole up in the house for an uninterrupted week of image creation - but if you ever actually did you'd miss out on the stimulation of life and not achieve as much as you wanted anyway? lol.

